Random Thought
I was at the bar last night, and sort of watching the Sixers game between Jager bombs, SoCo and lime, and pitchers of Yuengling, when I saw the new Hit-a-Way commercials. Something seemed missing, and I realized it before the end of the commercial: Fred McGriff.
That's right, Fred McGriff. Specifically, McGriff in that ridiculous blue mesh hat he wore in that Tom Emanski baseball commercial. I think I am only going to buy products that Fred McGriff pitches while wearing that blue hat.
Maybe not, though. I think that excessively limits my options. A much better idea would be for more advertisers to get McGriff and the blue hat to sell their products. Seriously, who wouldn't buy something endorsed by this man?
The next big thing in advertising.
It's time-tested. The commercial has been airing for like 14 years. Come on, people. No more B-list pitchmen, like Carrot Top or the Jeopardy Guy. Just give me McGriff and the blue hat.